We accompany you in all aspects of diversity management in your organisation, aiming to create differential value that helps you achieve more and better results.
We prepare people and the organisation so that they reflect an attitude of openness and respect towards others, creating an environment of cooperation in which all people can feel welcome, respected and appreciated, that enables everyone to take part in and contribute together to business performance.
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At ONCE we had many challenges regarding equality, among which we would like to highlight two:
On the one hand to obtain the Distinction of Equality in the Company (DIE, by its acronyms in Spanish) in order to place value on all our work on this area, since the enactment of Organic Law 3/2007 for the equality between women and men.
On the other hand to continue developing and strengthening equality policies and plans through ground-breaking and far-reaching measures, such as the creation of the position of Equality Officer in our organization, with a solid and effective initial training that boosts their knowledge in their specific fields.
Today both challenges have been accomplished, and Peoplematters has had an important relevance in this process, since with its support, rigour and professionalism, it has collaborated in obtaining our DIE 2018.In addition to this Peoplematters has participated in the training process of our Equality Officers, preparing them for their work in the region.